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Refresher Scuba

Maybe you’ve seen other divers who are destroying the bottom, kicking the silt, beating up the reef or crashing down on delicate corals because they need to improve their SCUBA diving skills.  Seeing this, you probably thought to yourself, “I don’t want to be that diver!”  Maybe you are that diver and want to change, improve and refresh your skills.  Maybe you are a beginner diver and want to perfect your newly acquired skills or feel that something was missing in your initial training.  In any case, the number one law of learning is the “Law of Primacy,” meaning that the first thing you learn is what you will remember the most.  Given this law, you can see why so many divers have learned wrong…they learned to conduct all their skills on their knees and therefore are most comfortable doing skills on their knees and/or diving with poor trim, buoyancy, and weighting.

Take the SCUBA Makeover challenge!

How would you like to…

  • Drop a significant amount off your current weighting system?
  • Acquire perfect buoyancy on which you can build impeccable skills?
  • Attain gorgeous prone style trim?
  • Improve your air consumption rate?
  • Develop positioning kicks such as the frog, helicopter and back-kick?
  • Learn to conduct skills without being on your knees?

How much?  Only $175 including instructor and pool fees!

What do I need to bring?  Refresher SCUBA is a primarily a pool session so a bathing suit or warm water (84 F) exposure suit will be needed.  A diving mask, fins and snorkel are required.  You are also welcome to bring your own SCUBA if you have it.  We will supply SCUBA and weights if you do not.

How long does it take?  We schedule 3 hours for the class but you will embark on a lifetime of improved diving!