Student numbers: 3 maximum
Minimum age: 15
Minimum logged dives: 25
Advanced Open Water SCUBA and Nitrox certifications recommended
~12 hours of classroom study
8 dives minimum
Establish the minimum skills, knowledge, dive planning, problem solving, procedures and abilities to safely cavern dive within specified limits.
Develop basic cave diving skills with limited penetrations beyond the cavern zone.
Back-mount or side-mount double cylinders (minimum volume of 160 cu/ft)
Rigid back-plate w/one-piece harness & wing of adequate lift for configuration with LP inflator (no octopus inflation system allowed) or instructor approved side-mount harness
Primary regulator system with 7’ hose and redundant regulator system with SPG
Primary canister light with illumination and burn-time sufficient for planned dives
Two back-up lights sufficient for planned dives
One primary reel per team
Two safety spools per diver
Knife/line cutter
Submersible dive tables and wet-notes
Minimum of 3 line arrows and non-directional markers each
Accessory equipment dictated by instructor and/or site conditions (e.g. low profile/dark silicone mask & paddle blade fins recommended)
Exposure suit adequate for environment and equipment configuration (preferably drysuit)